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Russian heating equipment market: trends and prospects

Published on: Nov 14, 2023

Reading Time: 5 min

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In view of Russian climatic conditions, heating equipment is in demand beyond any doubt. Certainly, this market has been affected by all the challenges of recent years. However, it is too early to speak of its crisis or prolonged decline.

General market figures

Litvinchuk Marketing company estimates that the Russian market of water heating systems ranks second in the world in terms of volume, following China. The situation is similar in other segments of heating equipment. Such a high demand is due to climatic conditions: the temperature drops below zero in almost all regions of our country in the fall and winter. The only exceptions are Krasnodar Krai and Adygea, where the average January temperature is about 7-10 degrees above zero.


The dynamics of purchasing interest in heating equipment since the beginning of 2022 has been multidirectional. At the beginning of spring 2022, buyers were seeking to purchase products by brands withdrawing from Russia, and this was reflected in the demand figures for Q1 and Q2. At the same time, the demand started to change gradually as early as the late spring, also due to the wait-and-see strategy of buyers. However, starting in the first months of 2023, demand for heating equipment began to recover.



For example, AllInstruments.ru, an online hypermarket, estimated that demand for heating equipment in September 2023 increased by 87% over the same period in 2022. At the same time, the demand for heating boilers has not yet recovered to the record figures of 2014, when more than 1 million units were sold: in 2022 just over 730 thousand boilers were sold, and the figures for 2024 are unlikely to exceed this value. It is also worth noting the stable demand for radiators, including due to the growth of new construction, as well as the capital repair programs for housing stock.

The share of imports of heating equipment differs significantly depending on the segment. While the share of imported industrial boilers is about 20% and water heating equipment and radiators is about 30%, foreign domestic boilers account for about 60%, indirect heating boilers - 70%, and burner devices - over 90%


It is worth noting the change in the geography of supply. Until March 2022, equipment came mainly from China, Germany and Italy. Now China is supported by manufacturers from Turkey, Belarus and Iran. At the same time, not all items managed to be fully substituted. For example, there is still a shortage of burner units, as well as heavy-duty boilers, indirect boilers and condensing equipment.

Market prospects and industry trends

Industry players point out that the heating equipment market is likely to show 3-5% growth by the year end. In general, consumers (both individuals, utility companies and real estate developers) have adjusted to the current situation and are ready to try domestic, Chinese or Turkish products. However, it is worth considering the likely logistical challenges, as well as geopolitical factors that may increase the lead time for foreign products.


We have previously highlighted the most in-demand products for which no alternatives have been found yet, or there is a shortage of substitutes. These include burner devices, heavy-duty boilers, condensing equipment, and indirect heating boilers. Therefore, manufacturers of such products ready to enter the Russian market get a good advantage as there are no or a minimum number of competitors.





Apart from that, there is a gradual increase in demand for heating equipment for country houses: this includes electric, bi-fuel and solid fuel boilers. The increased interest in these products is explained by the revival of the private housing construction segment: in the first 9 months of 2023, more than 48 million square meters of individual housing were commissioned in the Russian Federation, which is one and a half times more than the volume of commissioning of multy-family buildings. Taking into account the dynamic growth of private housing construction (backed, in particular, by state-subsidized mortgages), it is quite possible that the demand for these products will continue to grow.


Let's turn to industry trends. Certainly one of the main trends is the digitalization of heating systems and their integration into the smart home. It should be noted that China is the leader in this area, which creates new opportunities for cooperation on both sides. The second interesting trend is the use of recycled products as raw materials. This is due in part to the rise in responsible consuming. The third trend is to further reduce the size and noise level of the equipment.

Why exhibit at Aquatherm Moscow 2024

The transformation of the Russian heating equipment market gives new players an opportunity to enter promising niches where there are no or few competitors. At the same time, before entering a new market you need to understand its main current and future trends, to know the balance of power, to find the most suitable segment for your own products, and to find potential customers. Aquatherm Moscow 2024, Russia's largest industry exhibition in the field of engineering solutions for heating, will help you solve all these tasks.




This exhibition is visited by representatives of the largest real estate developers and utility companies from all over Russia and a number of foreign countries. 25,549 specialists from 82 regions of the Russian Federation and 36 world countries were the guests of the exhibition in 2023. Note that

  • 94% of them have a direct impact on the company's procurement activities,

  • and 78% plan to purchase something after visiting the exhibition.

  • 74% of visitors found new business partners and suppliers.

Heating equipment is the most popular section of the Aquatherm Moscow exhibition. In 2023, it attracted 67% of attendees (17,063 unique visitors).


Aquatherm Moscow, the 28th International Exhibition for domestic and industrial heating, water supply, engineering and plumbing systems, equipment for swimming pools, saunas and spas, is your venue to present your heating equipment to potential customers and business partners.

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Opening Times

Tuesday 4 February 10:00—18:00

Wednesday 5 February 10:00—18:00

Thursday 6 February 10:00—18:00

Friday 7 February 10:00—16:00


Crocus Expo IEC, Pavilion 3 - Moscow, Russia

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